Monday, February 23, 2009

Can I talk my shhhh again?!?!

2009, Really?!?!?! WOW!! Man, the express has been down for a while and i have broken my promise of a blog a week (which is harder than you think) and for that........I'm sorry :-(. A lot has been going on in my world so let me catch you up! Ever since October (the date of my last post), I really haven't been that busy, but more so on the lazy side when it comes to keeping my blog up to date! Oops! LOL! Anyways, I was not in school last semester due to Oakwood being Oakwood, but I truly believe that God really has a plan in store for my life, which is why he did not allow me to be in school and graduate last semester so I'm no longer upset. That was really tough to deal with, but like I said, I'm cool, because I know God has my back! So despite my CHILLIN last semester, I got on some LSU online courses in order to make my load extra light during the spring semester. Well, long story short, WTF was I thinking?!?! LOL! Those teachers are really psycho! For example, do you remember the essay style questions at the end of the chapter from your grade school textbooks and you crossed your fingers, plotted, and prayed that your homework wouldn't include those questions?!?! Well, basically, every single question is like that! Anyways, I gotta do what I gotta do to get out of here, ya dig! Fast forward to right now, I am in school, classes going great, grad application approved, and I'm ready to dipset! Oh yeah, I got an internship at Speakin' Out News (The story behind how I got it is tooooo funny, but its SUPER EMBARRASSING so idk if I'll share that!). Anyways, my internship is going pretty good. I already have one story that went to print and I'm working on another one right now. I have already learned alot about my writing, research and interviewing techiques and I know what I need to do in order to improve and move toward making moves within the Journalism industry which leads to my next topic...........I really don't know what I'm going to do after I am done with school!!!! I want to go to J School (Journalism School), but if I can get a job anywhere, which would be such a blessing in THIS economy, then I will be there. Just keep me in your prayers as I advance in my career! Anyways, that's whats been going on with me! If I forgot something, I will definitely write about it. Anyways, new posts to come include- an update on MY ROCKETS (you don't wanna miss this one! A MUST READ!), My disgust with the entire Micheal Vick situation, a post from my sidekick (Fellas, it is NECESSARY that you read it), and much, MUCH more!